====== djbdns ====== ===== Instalation under Debian GNU/Linux ===== See [[http://smarden.sunsite.dk/pape/Debian/djbdns.html|this]] page. **''/etc/apt/sources.list''** deb http://smarden.org/pape/Debian/ woody unofficial deb-src http://smarden.org/pape/Debian/ woody unofficial Instalation # apt-get update # apt-get install djbdns djbdns-doc ===== Configuration ===== Running services are in ''/service'' directory. To stop all the djbdns services, remove all the symlinks out of it. ;-] A bit silly, isn't it. ==== Caching service with forwarding only ==== ===== Links and related documets ===== * [[http://smarden.sunsite.dk/pape/Debian/djbdns.html|Debian repository]] * [[http://www.karkomaonline.com/article.php/20060108095351376|DNS cache with DJBDNS for Debian]] * [[http://flounder.net/djbdns/bind-to-djbdns.html|BIND-to-djbdns Migration Guide / HOWTO]] * [[http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/run-cache-home.html|How to run a forwarding cache on a home computer]] * [[http://www.fefe.de/djbdns/|djbdns FAQ]] * [[http://www.djbdnsrocks.org/]]