**OpenRBL check** \\
====== Postfix (articles) ======
* [[:postfix|Postfix]]
* [[:postfix:restriction|Postfix restrictions]]
* [[:postfix:mx|Postfix as MX server]]
* [[:postfix:smtp|Postfix as SMTP relay]]
* [[:postfix:smtp-auth|Postfix with SMTP-auth]]
* [[:postfix:asrelay|Postfix as relaying server (to Exchange/Domino)]]
* [[:postfix:advance|Advance postfix hacks]]
* [[:postfix:optimized-configuration]]
* [[:postfix:postgrey|Greylisting]]
====== Postfix related topics ======
* [[:dspam|Fighting spam with dspam]]
* [[:amavis|amavisd-new]]
====== Postfix links (elsewhere) ======
* [[http://postfixwiki.org|Postfix Wiki]]
* [[http://www.postfix.org|Official Postfix page]]
* [[http://flakshack.com/anti-spam/wiki/index.php?action=find&find=FairlySecureAntiSpamWiki|FairlySecure AntiSpamWiki]]
* [[http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/|How to set up a mail server on a GNU / Linux system (nice)]]
* [[http://www.howtoforge.com/antispam_smtp_proxy|ASSP (Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy)]]
* [[http://www.asspsmtp.org/wiki/Welcome|ASSP Wiki]]
====== Elsewhere ======
* [[http://www.mxtoolbox.com/diagnostic.aspx|MX toolbox]]
====== Tools ======
* **[[http://www.jetmore.org/john/code/#swaks|swaks]]** - Swiss Army Knife SMTP; Command line SMTP testing, including TLS and AUTH