Table of Contents

PostgreSQL tuning tips


General system state

A slow database server will typically be running out of:

So the first thing you should do is to get an overview of the system state using common UNIX tools such as:

If you notice that memory is exhausted, you could play with the following postgresql.conf settings:


If you see a lot of I/O, then try adjusting these settings:


Finding slow queries

On the database side, start by determining whether:

To do this, make sure that the following setting is turned on in your postgresql.conf:

  stats_command_string = on

Then fire up psql dbname and look at the currently executing queries:

  SELECT usename, current_query, query_start
  FROM pg_stat_activity;

(You can also add the procid column to the query if you want to map a query to the process ID you see in top.)

If you can't get anything useful out of pg_stat_activity, you may want to enable slow query logging by adding this to your postgresql.conf:

  log_min_duration_statement = 100

(All queries which take more than 100 ms to execute will be printed to the main Postgres log file.)

Examining a particular query

Once you have identified a slow query, you can time it by running this command before executing the query manually:


To get an idea of where Postgres spends its time when executing that query, look at the query plan:

  EXPLAIN your_query;

The numbers you see there are estimates. To run the query and get actual numbers, use this instead:

  EXPLAIN ANALYZE your_query;

If you still can't figure out why a certain query takes so long, have a look at the ratio between live and dead rows in the relevant tables:

  ANALYZE VERBOSE tablename;

Having too many dead rows is often a sign of insufficient vacuuming. You might want to turn autovacuum on if it isn't already, or to make it a bit more aggressive by tweaking these settings:


Fast tuning solutions (no theory)

The values and suggestions expressed here are just that, it's basic rules that Edoceo uses, YMMV. As always one should experiment with what values work best for your environment.

On production system, where it can be avoided, turn off statement logging and minimize the other logging parameters.

   syslog_facility = 'LOCAL2'
   syslog_ident = 'postgres'
   log_connections = false
   log_disconnections = false
   log_duration = false
   log_statement = 'none'