Table of Contents

IBM Lotus Domino r5

This was all done on Debian system ..

for Domino v6 see this page and Lotus R5 mini-howto


Some basic stuff that can be done to secure your running linux system. Try to run (see init.d script below) domino proccesses as domino user not as root.

groupadd -g 501 domino
useradd -g 501 -u 501 domino
 chown -R domino.domino $NOTESDATA_DIR

init.d script

Change variables values to your settings in this script below.

# domino Start/stop the Lotus Domino server
# <>
# Usage: /etc/init.d/domino start|stop
# process name: server, ...

# Change the USER, GROUP, DATA_DIR and BIN_DIR for your server

# See if the user that runs this script is root

if [ `id -u` != 0 ]; then
  echo "This script must be run by root only"
  exit 1

# See how we were called.
case $1 in
      echo -n "Starting domino server..."
      # Version with logfile
      su - ${DOMINO_USER} -c "cd ${DOMINO_DATA_DIR};\
        ${DOMINO_BIN_DIR}/server" \
         >> /var/log/domino 2>&1 &
      echo "done."

      echo -n "Stopping Domino server. "
      su - ${DOMINO_USER} -c "cd ${DOMINO_DATA_DIR}; ${DOMINO_BIN_DIR}/server -q"
      echo "Usage: domino {start|stop}"
      exit 1
 exit 0
 # End of the domino script



most common install error as far as I've tested ;-]

During the installation you get the following error. An unexpected error occured during post-install processing: Died at (eval 34) line 2. …propagated at (eval 33) line 231. /home/notes/linux/tools/lib/ line 727 The installation failed for the local host.

Notes Installation does NOT like symlinks.. so if you wanted so keep the default settings however you did not enough diskspace and created symlinks for the /opt/notes and /local/notesdata this is what happens. Try running the install with other directories again and you won`t have the same problem.


I get the following error when starting

[domino@iluzija notesdata]$ /opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup
/opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux/http: error while loading shared libraries: cannot load shared object file: No such file or 

you have a wrong verscion of libstdc check in your /usr/lib if you have a file with a different version number, e.g.

ln -s
#debian: apt-get install libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1


I get the following error when starting

[domino@iluzija notesdata]$ /opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup

10/18/2001 11:58:12 AM  Created new log file as /usr/local/notesdata/log.nsf
10/18/2001 11:58:12 AM  
*      Lotus Domino Server Setup        *
* To setup this server, please connect  *
*     your web browser to port 8081     *
* Example:  *
***************************************** cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (

This means that notes does not find its Java Libraries. Either they are not installed or you have to include them in your /etc/ and run ldconfig afterwards.

<--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) --->

When starting http httpsetup it stops just after

[domino@iluzija notesdata]$ /opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup
10/18/2001 01:43:53 PM  
*      Lotus Domino Server Setup            *
* To setup this server, please connect  *
*     your web browser to port 8081     *
* Example:  *

This is again a Java library problem You can verify this by running strace -p $pidofnotes you should normally then get a list of

— SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) —

— SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) —

— SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) —

— SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) —

— SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) —

— SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) —

— SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) —

This has everything to do with your JDK. Let`s tackle this problem step by step. remove the file in /opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux now try starting the httpsetup again you should see a listing like this

[domino@iluzija notesdata]$ /opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup
10/18/2001 01:43:53 PM  
*      Lotus Domino Server Setup        *
* To setup this server, please connect  *
*     your web browser to port 8081     *
* Example:  *
10/18/2001 01:43:53 PM  JVM: The JVM runtime library could not be found.
10/18/2001 01:43:53 PM  JVM: Java Virtual Machine failed to start
10/18/2001 01:43:53 PM  HTTP server error, could not load the Java VM
10/18/2001 01:43:53 PM  HTTP Web Server started

As you can see this works but you don`t have a JVM available.

Recently I have discovered that with the java versions that are currently included with Notes there are less problems.

[root@linnotes linux]# more /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla)
[root@linnotes linux]# ./java -version 
java.bin version "1.1.8"
[root@linnotes linux]# pwd
iluzija:~# cat /etc/debian_version

No problem there .. but we use the java version included with Notes .

<Lotus Notes: error 0x102>

You get Error : Lotus Notes: error 0x102 this basically is a permission problem, make sure you run chown -R $DOMINOUSER.$DOMINOGROUP /opt/lotus , this should normally solve the problem.