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ipod-iphone-itouch [2012/07/30 09:57] old revision restored
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-Backup Battery Charger for iPhone 4,4G, 3GS, 3G ,iPod, iTouch-EXTERNAL, PORTABLE, RECHARGEABLE (Electronics)      My Ipod Touch internal batrety has deteriorated to about 70% of when newThis little add-on is useful for extending up time about 40%However, it does add significant dimensionIt would not be feasible or advisable to carry it around with this batrety plugged in (fragile connection). It provides me exactly what I was looking for until I decide whether to spend money on getting the internal batrety replaced.+====== Hacking i{phone|pod|touch} ====== 
 +===== ipod classic hard reset ===== 
 +   1 Toggle the Hold switch on and off(Slide it to Holdthen turn it off again.
 +   2. Press and hold the Menu and Center (Select) buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears, about 6 to 8 seconds.    \\    You may need to repeat this step. 
 +===== Syncing Linux (iPod / iPhone===== 
 +   * [[http://lifehacker.com/388785/sync-your-iphone-wirelessly-in-linux|wireless sync]] 
 +   * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone#Syncing iPhones and iPods Touch w/ Firmware 2.x|Syncing iPhones with Firmware 2.x]] 
 +===== iPhone backup alternative ===== 
 +2) If you don’t trust iTunes backup, you should use SCP or iPhoneBrowser and copy /var/mobile/Library/AddressBook to your computer. This contains your contacts. While you’re at it you may want to copy all these: 
 +   /var/mobile/Library/AddressBook - Contacts 
 +   /var/mobile/Library/Calendar - Your calendar 
 +   /var/mobile/Library/Notes - your notes database 
 +   /var/mobile/Library/Safari - your bookmarks and cookies 
 +   /var/mobile/Library/SMS - your text messages.
ipod-iphone-itouch.1343635078.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/07/30 09:57 by
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