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nagios:groundwork [2006/11/06 15:13]
a created
nagios:groundwork [2009/05/25 00:35] (current)
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 Etch and Groundwork monitor Etch and Groundwork monitor
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 download source somewhere download source somewhere
 +Install Net-SNMP and SNMPTT as described below
 +   * http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=51473
 +   * /usr/local/snmptt/
 + Copy snmptt to /usr/sbin/ and ensure it is executable (chmod +x snmptt)
 +   3.  Copy snmptthandler to /usr/sbin/ and ensure it is executable (chmod +x snmptthandler)
 +   4.  Copy snmptt.ini to /etc/snmp/ or /etc/ and edit the options inside the file.
 +apt-get install snmptrapfmt
 +snmptt.ini -> /usr/local/snmptt/snmptt.ini
 +5a.   For standlone mode:  Modify the Net-SNMP snmptrapd.conf file by adding the following line:
 +     traphandle default /usr/local/snmptt/snmptt
 +apt-get install libapache2-mod-jk tomcat5
 +  177  mysql mysql < /usr/local/groundwork/databases/create/create-databases-groundwork-3.1.sql 
 +  178  mysql monarch < /usr/local/groundwork/databases/load/monarch.sql 
 +  180  mysql dashboard < /usr/local/groundwork/databases/load/dashboard_nagios_create.sql 
 +  181  mysql mnogosearch < /usr/local/groundwork/databases/load/mnogosearch.sql
 +  182  mysql guava < /usr/local/groundwork/databases/load/guava.sql
 +  183  mysql sv < /usr/local/groundwork/databases/load/sv.sql
 +==== TODO ====
 +in the file /usr/local/groundwork/guava/packages/nagios/views/nagios.inc.php you need to change nagiosadmin by $_SESSION['username'] (on line 24, the line is currently: $guava->SSO_createAuthTicket("nagios_auth_tkt", "/", 'nagiosadmin'); )
 +then restart httpd
 +Now when you login on groundwork as user foo, it will use the nagios cgi's as user foo as well.
 +You need to do the same for nagiosmap and nagiosreport
 +I had everything working great, and now suddenly the graphing stopped. Still have space on my drive and everything else is working fine.
 +As of 10:00 this morning .. .. no graphs. Even /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/eventhandlers/service_perfdata.log hasn't been touched since then. . . . very weird.
 +Any ideas? I don't think that I changed anything, and I've restarted the gwservices service and even rebooted. No change.
 +Also . . . . anybody know how to get rid of old datasets in the performance module? Seems like I read that once and can't figure it out.
 +Got it. Somehow, the command to process the performance data had gotten changed to service_perfdata instead of service_perfdata_db.
 +In terms of the other question, when I got to the performance module and click on a host, there are old services that I have removed from hosts in the drop downs. It gets confusing as I have made a great deal of changes getting the system up to snuff.
 +There are also names of hosts that I have changed in the host drop-down (ex. I changed cisco2811 to router_cisco2811, but cisco2811 is still in the drop down as well as the new name).
 +How do I clear out old information?
 +===== Setup tips =====
 +   * [[http://www.groundworkopensource.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1196&sid=6a67b50f481946247fd53e61a15dde28|Groundwork + Cacti]]
 +   * [[http://www.groundworkopensource.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1018&sid=6a67b50f481946247fd53e61a15dde28|Single signon example]]
 +   * [[http://www.groundworkopensource.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1317&sid=6a67b50f481946247fd53e61a15dde28|Complete guide about GWMON + Cacti]]
 +   * [[http://www.groundworkopensource.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=460&sid=6a67b50f481946247fd53e61a15dde28|command-line access to groundwork]]
 +   * [[http://www-941.ibm.com/collaboration/wiki/display/WiKiPtype/ganglia|Ganglia HowTo]]
 +   * Renaming the monitored device in GWMOS?
 +   Ok - I found that there is a rename button on the Configuration pages for each Host (NOT the Configuration EZ!).
nagios/groundwork.1162822439.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/05/25 00:34 (external edit)
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