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pureftpd [2009/05/25 00:35] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +  * AllowAnonymousFXP
 +  * AllowDotFiles
 +  * AllowUserFXP
 +  * AltLog
 +  * AnonymousBandwidth
 +  * AnonymousCanCreateDirs
 +  * AnonymousCantUpload
 +  * AnonymousOnly
 +  * AnonymousRatio
 +  * AntiWarez
 +  * AutoRename
 +  * Bind
 +  * BrokenClientsCompatibility
 +  * CallUploadScript
 +  * **ChrootEveryone**
 +  * ClientCharset
 +  * CreateHomeDir
 +  * CustomerProof
 +  * Daemonize
 +  * DisplayDotFiles
 +  * DontResolve
 +  * ForcePassiveIP
 +  * FortunesFile
 +  * FsCharset
 +  * IPV4Only
 +  * IPV6Only
 +  * KeepAllFiles
 +  * LimitRecursion
 +  * LogPID
 +  * MaxClientsNumber
 +  * MaxClientsPerIP
 +  * MaxDiskUsage
 +  * MaxIdleTime
 +  * MaxLoad
 +  * MinUID
 +  * NATmode
 +  * NoAnonymous
 +  * NoChmod
 +  * NoRename
 +  * NoTruncate
 +  * PassivePortRange
 +  * PerUserLimits
 +  * ProhibitDotFilesRead
 +  * ProhibitDotFilesWrite
 +  * Quota
 +  * SyslogFacility
 +  * TLS
 +  * TrustedGID
 +  * TrustedIP
 +  * Umask
 +  * UserBandwidth
 +  * UserRatio
 +  * VerboseLog
pureftpd.txt ยท Last modified: 2009/05/25 00:35 (external edit)
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