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software [2008/11/20 11:41]
software [2014/12/01 11:49] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
    * [[PHP]]    * [[PHP]]
    * [[Mediawiki|Mediawiki Tips]]    * [[Mediawiki|Mediawiki Tips]]
Line 22: Line 21:
    * [[OpenOffice.Org]]    * [[OpenOffice.Org]]
    * [[vim]]    * [[vim]]
 +   * [[thunderbird]]
 +   * [[utorrent]]
 +   * [[pidgin]]
 +   * [[sqlite]]
 +   * [[svn]]
 +   * [[gcc]]
 +   * [[squirrelmail]]
 +   * [[mailman]]
 +   * [[cgiirc]]
 +   * [[pureftpd]]
 +   * [[ntp]]
 +   * [[videolan|VLC]]
 +   * [[git]]
 +   * [[Skype]]
 +   * [[HyperTerminal]]
 +   * [[Chrome]]
 +   * [[tar|TAR tips & tricks]]
 +   * [[:zfs|ZFS Filesystem]]
 +   * [[lightdm]]
 +   * [[oracle]]
 +   * [[ossec]]
 +   * [[dia]]
software.1227177682.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/05/25 00:34 (external edit)
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