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start [2006/03/05 11:26]
start [2012/10/22 14:37] (current)
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-====== Tip's & Trips ======+~~NOTOC~~
-New page for t'n't! More stuff on front page to come... 
-===== Top 10 new articles =====+====== Tips'n'Tricks ====== 
 +You need a hint? Need to know about small details that make difference? You're on the right page .. also you're welcome to submit your own tip'n'tricks/hints or make a better changes to things that are already published here.
-^ # ^ Name ^ 
-|1| [[php|PHP tips]]| 
-|2| [[ipsec|ipsec stuff]]| 
-|3| [[cyrus|Cyrus Mail System]]| 
-===== Internet services ===== 
-[[Postfix]] - \\ 
-[[DNS]] \\ 
-''smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes'' 
-[[IMP]] \\ 
-===== Hardware ===== 
-[[Cisco]] - vse o kiskotu \\ 
-===== Windows ===== 
-===== Linux =====+<box 90% round green left|**Disclaimer**>
-[[Apache]]+The information provided on **tnt.aufbix.org** are just dirty and quick notes made by group of network / system engineers (see [[:about|about]]). Pages does not ment to provide always step-by-step configuration. The configurations given are not meant to be used in a production environment at all and should be studied and adapted to your own setup.  Any products or solutions mentioned on this site are not meant to be endorsements.  Any posts or comments made to the site are considered public, so don’t post anything you don’t want the world to see.  Feel free to link to an article, but, please, give credit and linkage where due.
-  * [[:about:authors|about authors]]+</box>
-''<img src="http://www.world66.com/community/mymaps/worldmap?visited=CAUSATBEBAHRCZFRDEHUITLUNLYUSICH"><br/> +{{tnt.png|}} 
-<a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visitedcountries">create your own visited countries map</a> + 
- or <a href="http://www.tonjafabritz.com">vertaling Duits Nederlands</a> + 
 +**TIP of the day:** 
 +''history|awk '{print $2}'|awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"} {print $1}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn|head -10'' 
 +<note tip> 
 +   * [[http://library.n0i.net/advocacy/howto-ask-questions/|How To Ask Questions The Smart Way]] 
 +   * [[http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-badunixhabits.html?ca=lnxw01GoodUnixHabits|UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits]] 
start.1141554372.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/25 00:34 (external edit)
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