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tips:threelinestip [2008/09/26 20:32]
tips:threelinestip [2008/12/18 13:04]
Line 64: Line 64:
    # strings `which sshd` | grep -i libwrap    # strings `which sshd` | grep -i libwrap
 ===== Comparing files & taking some action based on outcome ===== ===== Comparing files & taking some action based on outcome =====
Line 81: Line 82:
 </code> </code>
 +===== IPv4 parsing / sorting =====
 +   egrep '([[:digit:]]{1,3}\.){3}[[:digit:]]{1,3}'
 +   sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4
 +===== finding a string in a "live" stream =====
 +tail -f filename |grep --line-buffered  STRING
 +===== Local/remote webserver =====
 +Serve files on port 8080 for anybody from the directory from where you start this command: 
 +<code bash|>
 +:;while [ $? -eq 0 ];do nc -vlp 8080 -c'(r=read;e=echo;$r a b c;z=$r;while [ ${#z} -gt 2 ];do $r z;done;f=`$e $b|sed 's/[^a-z0-9_.-]//gi'`;h="HTTP/1.0";o="$h 200 OK\r\n";c="Content";if [ -z $f ];then($e $o;ls|(while $r n;do if [ -f "$n" ]; then $e "<a href=\"/$n\">`ls -gh $n`
 +";fi;done););elif [ -f $f ];then $e "$o$c-Type: `file -ib $f`\n$c-Length: `stat -c%s $f`";$e;cat $f;else $e -e "$h 404 Not Found\n\n404\n";fi)';done
 +===== resolving IP Addresse (nmap) =====
 +<code bash|>
 +nmap -sL $1 2>/dev/null |
 +perl -ne 'print unless /^Host [\d.]+ /' |
 +grep 'not scanned' |
 +cut -d ' ' -f 2,3 |
 +sed -e 's/\(.*\) (\(.*\))/\2 resolves to \1/'
 + resolves to fed.cisco.com
 + resolves to asp-web-sj-1.cisco.com
 + resolves to asp-web-sj-2.cisco.com
 + resolves to fedtst.cisco.com
 + resolves to www.netimpactstudy.com
 + resolves to deployx-sj.cisco.com
 + resolves to contact-sj1.cisco.com
 + resolves to scc-sj-1.cisco.com
 + resolves to scc-sj-2.cisco.com
 + resolves to scc-sj-3.cisco.com
 + resolves to jmckerna-test.cisco.com
 + resolves to events.cisco.com
 + resolves to bam-prod-1.cisco.com
 + resolves to redirect.cisco.com
 + resolves to www.cisco.com
 + resolves to partners.cisco.com
tips/threelinestip.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/07 07:47 by mrizvic
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