This is an old revision of the document!

line console/vty x y
exec timeout 0 0
logging synchronous

kako postavis geslo za XY vmesnik:

line console/vty/... 
password xxx

General security template:

no service finger
no service pad
no service udp-small-servers
no service tcp-small-servers
no service config
no service dhcp
no service compress-config  
no ip  http server
no ip bootp server
no ip finger
no ip identd
no ip source-route  
service nagle
service timestamps debug datetime localtime show-timezone msec
service timestamps log datetime localtime show-timezone msec

ip spd enable
no cdp run
logging buffered 16384
logging trap debugging
logging console warnings
ip subnet-zero
ip classless
! Deal with dead connections gracefully
service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp-keepalives-out
! Set time for UK
clock timezone GMT 0
clock summer-time BST recurring
! Do not allow packet to specify their own route
no ip source-route
! Enable Cisco Express Forwarding technology
ip cef
ntp master
ntp update-calendar
ntp server 
no ip domain-lookup
ip domain-list
ip domain-list .
ip domain-name
ip name-server
ip name-server
line con 0
 exec-timeout 5 0
 password 7 <######>
 login authentication no_tacacs
 transport input none
line aux 0
 exec-timeout 5 0
 password 7 <#######>
 login authentication test
 modem InOut
 transport input all
 stopbits 1
 speed 19200
 flowcontrol hardware
line vty 0 4
 exec-timeout 5 0
 password 7 <########>
 login authentication test
 transport input telnet

General Interface Template:

no ip redirect
no ip direct broadcast
no ip proxy-arp
no ip unreachables
! no ip mask-reply

General Security Template:

service password-encryption
enable secret <removed>
no enable password
! Limit the amount of ICMP traffic (DDOS protection)
rate-limit input access-group 110 2048000 8000 8000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
cisco.1138646833.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/25 00:34 (external edit)
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