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mysql:scripts [2008/11/21 18:01]
mysql:scripts [2009/05/25 00:35] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +===== Pretty InnoDB Buffer Pool Stats =====
 +Now I can quickly see buffer pool stats in the following format:
 +   buffer pool size: 27999076352 bytes (27G)
 +   used: 16563568640 bytes (16G) (59.00%)
 +   modified db pages: 4747952128 bytes (4G) (16.00%)
 +<code bash|f innodb-status.sh>
 +# Pretty print InnoDB buffer stats.
 +# SHOW INNODB STATUS looks like:
 +# Buffer pool size   1708928
 +# Free buffers       1142066
 +# Database pages     565676
 +# Modified db pages  123467
 +pp() {
 +    value=$1
 +    if [ $value -gt 1000000000 ]; then
 +        value=$(expr $value / 1000000000)G
 +    elif [ $value -gt 1000000 ]; then
 +        value=$(expr $value / 1000000)M
 +    elif [ $value -gt 1000 ]; then
 +        value=$(expr $value / 1000)K
 +    fi
 +    echo $value
 +perc() {
 +    nr=$1
 +    total=$2
 +    echo "scale = 2; ($nr / $total ) * 100" | bc
 +# donnot let bash screw up multiline parsing (I hate this bug)
 +stats=$(echo "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS\G" | mysql -N)
 +#echo $stats
 +set -o noglob
 +buffer_pool_size=$(echo $stats | grep -E '^Buffer pool size' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+$')
 +buffer_pool_size=$(expr $buffer_pool_size * 16384)
 +free_pool_size=$(echo $stats | grep -E '^Free buffers' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+$')
 +free_pool_size=$(expr $free_pool_size * 16384)
 +modified_db_pages=$(echo $stats | grep -E '^Modified db pages' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+$')
 +modified_db_pages=$(expr $modified_db_pages * 16384)
 +used=$(expr $buffer_pool_size - $free_pool_size)
 +echo "buffer pool size: $buffer_pool_size bytes ($(pp $buffer_pool_size))"
 +echo "used: $used bytes ($(pp $used)) ($(perc $used $buffer_pool_size)%)"  
 +echo -n "modified db pages: $modified_db_pages bytes "
 +echo -n "($(pp $modified_db_pages)) "
 +echo    " ($(perc $modified_db_pages $buffer_pool_size)%)" 
 ===== Kill every MySQL SELECT older than X seconds ===== ===== Kill every MySQL SELECT older than X seconds =====
 <code bash|f kill.sh> <code bash|f kill.sh>
Line 16: Line 87:
 done done
 </code> </code>
 ===== Sniff the MySQL traffic on the fly ===== ===== Sniff the MySQL traffic on the fly =====
Line 30: Line 102:
 </code> </code>
 +===== RESET SLAVE =====
 +<code bash|f reset-mysql-slave.sh>
 +mysql -h $HOST -e "STOP SLAVE"
 +for line in $(mysql -e "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" -E -h $HOST)
 + do
 + key=${line%:*}  # Split off what goes before :
 + key=${key// }   # And trim spaces
 + data=${line#*:} # Split off what goes after :
 + data=${data// } # And trim spaces yet again!!! 
 + case $key in
 + Exec_master_log_pos) LOGPOS=$data;;
 + Relay_Master_Log_File) LOGFILE=$data;;
 + Master_Host) RHOST=$data;;
 + Master_User) RUSER=$data;;
 + esac
 + done
 +if [ -z $LOGPOS -o -z $LOGFILE ]; then
 +        echo "OMG FAIL NO POSITIONS KNOWN"; exit;
 +mysql -f -h $HOST -e "
 +        RESET SLAVE;
 +                MASTER_HOST='$RHOST',
 +                MASTER_USER='$RUSER',
 +                MASTER_PASSWORD='$RPASS',
 +                MASTER_LOG_FILE='$LOGFILE',
 +                MASTER_LOG_POS=$LOGPOS ;
 +        START SLAVE
 +        "
mysql/scripts.1227286864.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/25 00:34 (external edit)
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