Subversion Tips & Tricks
Ignore .pyc files in Subversion
Create a file (.svnignore) with the regular expressions
h .svnignore
*.pyc *~
Run svn propset on the project
svn -R propset svn:ignore -F .svnignore .
- -R indicates that you are doing this recursively so all the directories ignore these.
- -F indicates the file we just created with the regular expressions.
If you’ve already got yourself into the mess of versioning your compiled files, then you might want to do a few things.
- Revert all the .pyc files (you can always recompile them). You don’t want there to be any local changes when you try to delete them:
find -name "*.pyc" -exec svn revert {} \;
- Delete all the .pyc files using `svn delete`:
find -name "*.pyc" -exec svn delete {} \;
- Finally recompile and re-run the svn ignore code above
Adding external SVN repo into yours
mkdir external svn pe svn:externals external
add local and remote dir (as for example)