Your Interface :

description *TO-BGP-PEER*;
vlan-id 8;
family inet6 {
address 2404:170:251::A:A:1A/126;
[edit interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 8]

BGP Setting :

type external;
neighbor 2404:170:251::A:A:19 {
description CUSTOMER-IPV6;
peer-as 3940;

[edit protocols bgp group eBGP-IPv6]

The command :

 admin@JunOS# set type external [different ASN]
 admin@JunOS# set neighbor 2404:170:251::A:A:19 import IPv6-CUSTOMER-IMPORT export IPv6-CUSTOMER-EXPORT peer-as 3940
 admin@JunOS# commit

Policy Setting :

policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-IMPORT {
from as-path ALL;
then accept;
policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-EXPORT {
from as-path ALL;
then reject;

as-path ALL .*

[edit policy-options]

The command :

admin@JunOS# set policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-IMPORT from as-path ALL

[edit policy-options]
admin@JunOS# set policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-IMPORT then accept

[edit policy-options]
admin@JunOS# set policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-EXPORT from as-path ALL

[edit policy-options]
admin@JunOS# set policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-EXPORT then reject
admin@JunOS# set as-path ALL .*
admin@JunOS# commit

BGP Status :

<code> admin@JunOS# run show bgp summary Groups: 17 Peers: 18 Down peers: 4 Table Tot Paths Act Paths Suppressed History Damp State Pending inet.0 1206977 309046 0 0 0 0 inet6.0 2416 2414 0 0 0 0 Peer AS InPkt OutPkt OutQ Flaps Last Up/Dwn State|#Active/Received/Damped… 2404:170:251::a:a:19 9340 1897 6 0 0 1:31 Established inet6.0: 2414/2416/0 <code>

The command :

admin@JunOS# set policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-IMPORT from as-path ALL

[edit policy-options] admin@JunOS# set policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-IMPORT then accept

[edit policy-options] admin@JunOS# set policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-EXPORT from as-path ALL

[edit policy-options] admin@JunOS# set policy-statement IPv6-CUSTOMER-EXPORT then reject admin@JunOS# set as-path ALL .* admin@JunOS# commit

BGP Status :

admin@JunOS# run show bgp summary Groups: 17 Peers: 18 Down peers: 4 Table Tot Paths Act Paths Suppressed History Damp State Pending inet.0 1206977 309046 0 0 0 0 inet6.0 2416 2414 0 0 0 0 Peer AS InPkt OutPkt OutQ Flaps Last Up/Dwn State|#Active/Received/Damped… 2404:170:251::a:a:19 9340 1897 6 0 0 1:31 Establ inet6.0: 2414/2416/0

juniper/bgp-config-ipv6.txt · Last modified: 2009/12/08 00:36 by a
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