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Configure the router

Use the following commands to configure the router:

root# cli 
cli> configure 
root@# set system host-name juniper
root@# set system domain-name
root@# set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address 
root@# set system backup-router 
root@# set system name-server
root@# set system root-authentication plain-text-password 
New password:
Retype password:
root@ show 
system {
    host-name juniper;
    root-authentication {
         encrypted-password "$1$gNTKIVLL$nSw2LduQttCiGipspveEq."; ## SECRET-DATA
    name-server {; 
interfaces {
    fxp0 {
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
root@# commit 
root@juniper# exit 

Other config params :

root@juniper# set system ntp server 
root@juniper# set system time-zone Europe/Ljubljana
root@juniper# set system services ssh 
root@juniper# set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address 

root@juniper> configure  exclusive   //if several people login only you can use "configure"
root@juniper> status
root@juniper> request system logout user  john //kick someone out

The show | display set command is a handy way to reverse-engineer a router configuration when you are trying to duplicate portions of a configuration on many routers or when you need to write up configuration, monitoring, or troubleshooting procedures for your network operations staff. This command is especially useful if the configuration is complex and when setting it up involves many long commands and lots of typing.

Add comments

root@juniper# set area interface fe-0/0/0 
root@juniper# annotate area "MESH routers" 
root@juniper# show 
	/* MESH routers */
	area {
	     interface fe-0/0/0.0;

To delete a comment, use the annotate command with an empty string:

 root@juniper# annotate area ""

Check syntax (commit)

After configuring issue commit command.

root@juniper# commit check 

If there are no errors you recieve : configuration check succeeds

To debug commit :

 root@juniper# commit | display detail

To exit from a lower level to operational mode : 'exit configuration-mode'

Backing up configuration

root@juniper# file copy /config/juniper.conf.gz  box:/root/tmp
root@juniper# save box:configMay        
root@juniper# save  configMay                     //copy to a localfile
root@juniper# run file show  configMay         //to view it
root@juniper# run show system storage       // view diskspace

To backup every time you commit:

root@juniper# set archival configuration transfer-on-commit 
root@juniper# set archival configuration archive-sites ftp: //giany:password@box:/m40configs


root@juniper# rollback 1   //loads other config
root@juniper# show
root@juniper# commit
root@juniper# rollback ?  //view rollbacks

View logs

root@juniper# run show log
root@juniper# run show log messages

Install different jinstall

 root@juniper# request system software add validate box:jinstall-8.4R2.6-domestic-signed.tgz

Or copy the file to /var/tmp

 root@juniper# file copy box:jinstall-8.4R2.6-domestic-signed.tgz /var/tmp
 root@juniper# request system software add validate /var/tmp/jinstall-8.4R2.6-domestic-signed.tgz  //and reboot here

and then reboot:

 root@juniper# request system reboot

Gather system informations

root@juniper# show version
root@juniper# show version detail
root@juniper# show system processes
root@juniper# run show system processes | match /syslogd
root@juniper# run request support information
root@juniper# run file list detail /var/tmp   //look for cores
root@juniper# run show system users 

 2:40PM  up 10:12, 1 user, load averages: 0.01, 0.06, 0.07
USER     TTY      FROM                              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
root     p1                         2:28PM      - cli 

root@juniper# run show system uptime 

Current time: 2008-05-24 13:52:15 EEST
System booted: 2008-05-24 04:29:05 EEST (09:23:10 ago)
Protocols started: 2008-05-24 04:34:42 EEST (09:17:33 ago)
Last configured: 2008-05-24 13:38:28 EEST (00:13:47 ago) by root
 1:52PM  up 9:23, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00


root@juniper# set system login user giany full-name Foobaruser
root@juniper# set system login user giany uid 1000
root@juniper# set system login user giany class super-user
root@juniper# set system login user giany authentication encrypted-password "$1$gNTKIVLL$nSw2LduQttCiGipspv32E."

root@juniper# set system login password password maximum-length 18   // max length
root@juniper# set system login password password minimum-length 8   // min lenght
root@juniper# set system login password password minimum-changes 3   // 3 case changes

Set idle-timeout so after a while a user will get disconnect:

     class admin {
          idle-timeout 4;
          permissions all;
user test {
     class admin

On terminal you will get smth like that:

 test@br0> Warning: session will be closed in 1 minute if there is no activity
 Warning: session will be closed in 10 seconds if there is no activity
 Idle timeout exceeded: closing session
 Connection closed by foreign host.


To allow authentification of users :

root@juniper# set login user operations class super-user
root@juniper# set login user operations full-name "Operations Account"
root@juniper# set login user operations uid 9999
root@juniper# set system authentication-order [ tacplus password ];
root@juniper# set tacacs-server secret aaaaa

SSH/Telnet Filter

You want to filter incoming ssh/telnet connections to a set of ips. First create a prefix-list with allowed ips then create a policer that will discard all incoming connections. After that create the policer that will allow your prefix-list. In the end create the filters for discard/accept and apply the filter to the specified interface.

set policy-options prefix-list telnet-ssh-sessions
set firewall policer 1m-bw-limit if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 1m
set firewall policer 1m-bw-limit if-exceeding burst-size-limit 15k
set firewall policer 1m-bw-limit then discard
set firewall policer 20m-bw-limit if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 20m
set firewall policer 20m-bw-limit if-exceeding burst-size-limit 1m
set firewall policer 20m-bw-limit then discard
set firewall filter re-filter term police-ssh from source-prefix-list telnet-ssh-sessions
set firewall filter re-filter term police-ssh from protocol tcp
set firewall filter re-filter term police-ssh from port ssh
set firewall filter re-filter term police-ssh from port telnet
set firewall filter re-filter term police-ssh from tcp-initial
set firewall filter re-filter term police-ssh then policer 1m-bw-limit
set firewall filter re-filter term police-ssh then accept
set firewall filter re-filter term ssh-telnet from source-prefix-list telnet-ssh-sessions
set firewall filter re-filter term ssh-telnet from protocol tcp
set firewall filter re-filter term ssh-telnet from port ssh
set firewall filter re-filter term ssh-telnet from port telnet
set firewall filter re-filter term ssh-telnet then policer 20m-bw-limit
set firewall filter re-filter term ssh-telnet then accept

set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet filter input re-filter         //apply filter
set policy-options prefix-list NETWORK/24
    policy-options {
        prefix-list telnet-ssh-sessions {

firewall {
    filter re-filter {
        term police-ssh {
            from {
                source-prefix-list {
            protocol tcp;
            port [ ssh telnet ];
        then {
            policer 1m-bw-limit;

Sending messages

request message all message "Log out immediately"
request system logout terminal p0
request system logout user giany
request message user giany message "Log out immediately"


root@juniper# show system syslog | display set 
set system syslog archive size 1000k
set system syslog archive files 10
set system syslog archive world-readable
set system syslog user * any emergency
set system syslog file messages any notice
set system syslog file messages authorization info
set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
set system syslog file security authorization any
set system syslog file security interactive-commands any
set system syslog console authorization info

To stop recording system messages :

 deactivate system syslog file messages

and to start recording :

 activate system syslog file messages

To turn of logging :

 delete system syslog file messages 


set snmp location "My home Network"
set snmp contact "admin at mynoc dot tld"
set snmp community nMSuser authorization read-only
set snmp community nMSuser clients
set snmp community nMSuser clients
[root@box ~]# snmpwalk -v 1 -c 'nMSuser' | head
SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Juniper Networks, Inc. olive internet router, kernel JUNOS 7.4R2.6 #0: 2006-01-20 14 Build date: 2006-01-20 14:19:29 UTC Copyright (c) 1996-2006 Juniper Networks, Inc.
SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636.
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (158417) 0:26:24.17

Its a good policy to restrict to only a few clients. If I use snmpwalk from a restricted ip /var/log/security prints:

Aug  1 16:45:59  juniper snmpd[2658]: SNMPD_AUTH_RESTRICTED_ADDRESS: validate_SNMP_community: request from address not allowed

Restrict VTY Access on JunOS

Restricting remote access to your RE. The ideea is to allow remote logins via ssh or telnet. I want only one host from a specific ip to do remote SSH, the rest will be rejected.

!!! Warning!!! You need to understand that if you dont configure well you might stop all traffic from being forwarded through your RE.

First you will use a term to set the host from where you will use ssh and then reject the rest. The second term is to allow all traffic pass through your core.

lo0 {
    description "br0 loopback";
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
            filter {
                    input re-filter;
            address {

And then the policy filter:

filter lo-filter {
    term ssh {
        from {
            source-address { 
            destination-port ssh;
        then {
    term no-ssh {
         then {
juniper/routerconfiguration.1233769411.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/25 00:34 (external edit)
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