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linux:firewall_blocktor [2010/01/28 20:57]
greebo created
linux:firewall_blocktor [2022/05/06 08:34] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 If you got tired of IRC "kiddies" coming from TOR networks or you don't want the visiting your services then this script is for you. If you got tired of IRC "kiddies" coming from TOR networks or you don't want the visiting your services then this script is for you.
 It takes realtime list of TOR IP [servers and exit nodes] and updates your iptables list: It takes realtime list of TOR IP [servers and exit nodes] and updates your iptables list:
 +Updated list - https://check.torproject.org/torbulkexitlist?ip=
 <code> <code>
linux/firewall_blocktor.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/05/06 08:34 by zagi
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